Scrolling Artist Marquee Print

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Scrolling Artist Marquee
New for 2019! 

The Scrolling Artist Marquee Widget will scan all artist that have played on your stream and display their images at random. You can embed the widget using either Javascript or IFRAME methods, as well as set the amount of images to show, their quality and size. Widget scrolls left to right and reverses when it gets to the end, width is 100% and the height depends on the image size (set in paramaters below)

You can modify the code by looking for the below parameters which you can change accordingly. Just copy/paste the code as normal, then llo for the below paramaters in the code which you can change to fit your needs. 

data-quality="high" OR  data-quality="low"  ---- this is for the image quality and will directly affect load times
data-count="50"  --- this is the amount of images that are loaded. (new accounts can take some time to download all artist data) 
data-size="100"  -- this is the size of the image, anything over 75 should have quality set as high 

quality=high, low  ---- this is for the image quality and will directly affect load times
count=(1-250)  --- this is the amount of images that are loaded. (new accounts can take some time to download all artist data) 
size=(25 to 250)  -- this is the size of the image, anything over 75 should have quality set as high 

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