Media CP TV Price List

Media CP Live Demo
Try the real time Media CP Demo which supports both radio and IPTV hosting. For the demo, login as the administrator (demo/demo), click on services on the left, choose the Nginx_TV_Channel which is the service we provide.
Media CP is NOT hosted by Hired Hosting, you'll need to set up a Free Trial to test Media CP TV on the Hired Hosting network.
Media CP also supports online radio. Learn more on what Media CP has to offer
Drag & Drop Media Manager
The Media Cp media manager works right in your browser and accepts MPEG format video files. Media CP also includes FTP credentials if you prefer to upload using your preferred FTP software.
Want to break to your live remote broadcast? Media CP will automatically switch from Auto VJ to Live Broadcast seamlessly. You'll find several free and premium apps in both The App Store and Google Play (search for rtmp broadcast) or the popular OBS for Windows / Mac users.

Getting Started with Media CP TV
Watch how easy it is to launch your very own IPTV channel. Video describes how to upload your MPEGs, move to a playlist and get streaming for the first time. It's important you encode your video files at a slightly lower bitrate than what your stream is set to
Go Live with Media CP TV
In this video, we describe how to set up OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) with Media CP and seamlessly break into your normal broadcasting schedule for a live stream. The switch is seamless for the viewer, when live stream has ended, stream will automatically revert back to normal broadcasting.
What can I use to encode my videos to the correct bitrate?
It's important all your video files be in the same format, sample and bitrate to ensure a smooth transition between them. This goes for your live streams as well since Media CP will seamlessly switch from auto VJ to live and back without the viewer having to reload their players or take any actions.
With Media CP, you'll want to ensure all videos are encoded at the correct bitrate. If your stream package has a bitrate of 2048Kbs, you should encode your MPEGs a little lower (1500Kbs-1900Kbs), and the max bitrate should be set to 2000Kbs. Hired Hosting offers TV packages that range from 2K to 8K and even beyond with Media CP TV Dedicated Clouds
We recommend Shutter Encoder to encode all videos into the same format. Media CP has put together a guide on how to use Shutter to encode your video files -
How do I go live?
The most common software for PC and MAC is the free OBS. You can also find several apps in both Google Play and The App Store that allow you to broadcast from your device. You'll be provided with the RTMP URL and Stream Key on the dashboard of Media CP for an immediate live connection.
Can I schedule commercials?
Yes, you can simply drag and drop your commercials, station ids & advertisements into any playlist. Media CP also supports VAST, VMAP and more which are used to connect to ad servers like Google where you can earn money though monetization ads.
How long does it take to set my new TV Station service up?
All Hired Hosting Media CP TV Station packages are set up instantly after you place your order.