Your Own TV/Radio Network

Includes Text, Image, Audio & Video Ad Server

Admin Panel Includes

  • Choose from over 150 Channels
  • Include your own streams
  • Works with Shoutcast/Icecast/M3U8
  • Display Unlimited Timed Annotations
  • Sell Ad Space - Accepts PayPal
  • Sell Ad Free IPTV Subscriptions - Accepts PayPal
  • Player works with Google Chrome Cast
features Features

my tv studio

No Streams Needed!

Between My TV Studios Stream Share Program
and the public repository or over 150 live IPTV and Shoutcast/Icecast Channels, you can run your own radio/tv network with No Streams Required.

What is My TV Studio?

MyTV.Studio is a unique admin panel that allows you to run your own IPTV network. The panel includes a Public Repository of Free IPTV Channels gathered from various sources across the internet.

My TV Studio also allows for Ad Free Paid Upgraded Memberships with funds going directly to your Paypal account.

Audio Network

If any of the channels in your lineup include Shoutcast or Icecast streams, they will automatically be included in your Radio Network.
Player comes in choices of light/dark, includes a custom message at the top, SSL, artist information and more.

All streams are delivered in SSL (HTTPS) and include a proxy that works in the background if your custom stream is non https.

In addition, the visitors will be able to view the currently playing tracks in any of your custom channels.

Open Demo Network Audio Player

Video Network

Both Radio and Video Networks use the same Styles and Colors however only the video network can play both audio and video channels.

Open Demo Network Video Player

Pay Per Click

Run/Sell Text, Image, Audio & Video Ads

With the built in Ad Server, you can sell ad space/time or create your own internal ads.
Generate income using popular affiliate programs and the pre built ad templates.


Short messages or text ads can be included in your annotations which are pop ups that appear at the times you specify.

Annotations also come with pre built templates you can use such as welcoming the latest visitors or promoting one of your channels. An annotation can be applied to one or all channels at the same time.

Annotations can also be invoked if one of your customers orders a text ad. Ads can be sold using either pay-per-click or pay-per-impression methods and if set to automatically be approved, are fully automated and an excellent source of extra income.

Order My TV Studio Panel
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TV/Radio Network FAQS

Common Questions & Answers

Is this legal? Where do the channels come from?
  • Yes IPTV is legal. Streaming unauthorized stations like HBO or Pay Per View is not, however we do not offer these types of channels.

    The channels come from various sources all across the internet. Most all radio/tv channels seek visitors, many even pay big bucks to be listed in some directories, so of course they welcome as many viewers/listeners as they can get.

    The nation/world is cutting the cord to the outrageous cable & satellite prices and moving to free TV. And with that comes the gold rush of new IPTV channels. Don't forget, it takes just $25/month and a few hours worth of work to get your own fully automated IPTV online, we even assist with Roku submission!

What if I don't have any advertisers?
  • Great Question! Just like with the IPTV channels we have already set up, the system also includes Pre Built Video Ads which can be run at various times during the visitors stream. You'll simply swap out the affiliate URl with your own

    For example, we'll use the popular mobile phone provider Boost Mobile which offers a great affiliate program. You've likely seen tents set up along the roadway in cities across the USA. These are actually affiliates of Boost Mobile and are taking advantage of the same system we use in My TV Studio.

    Instead of having to set up a tent on the side of the road, we can simply grab our Boost Mobile affiliate Url and direct visitors to it.

    Again, we use Boost Mobile as an example, there are thousands of affiliate type opportunities you can easily build short ads for, the Boost Mobile video was just a random video we found on You Tube and edited using Power Director. If you watch the demo radio or tv network , you'll notice the pop up ads which include our Boost Mobile example along with a few others.

What is an annotation?

An annotation is a small popup window that appears between the times you specify and can contain whatever you like, a short message or a random text ad for example. Annotation only work with the video network and not the radio.

Can I embed the players on my current website?

Yes, here is the code for the demo network players. Remember you have the option of disabeling the top menu bar in the players, we have the demo set to show all so you can get a better idea of all the options.

Video Network Player

Audio Network Player

Is there a demo?

The Video Network lets you include annotations that popup on the screen at the times you specify. Intro ads can include text/image/video and can be skipped in X seconds. System is fully customizable to fit your needs.
Video Network Demo

You choose the channels/genres in your own Radio Network. Like the video network, you can change the colors, stations included, top menu bar is optional, so is the split color screen which can be any color in the spectrum.
Audio Network Demo